अगर आप हिमाचल प्रदेश के अंदर आउटसोर्सिंग यानी ( कांटेक्ट वर्कर ) प्राइवेट नौकरी या फिर फैक्ट्री दुकान आदि में काम करते हैं । तो राज्य सरकार ने आप सबके लिए 1st Apr, 2022 से महंगाई भत्ता ( MINIMUM WAGES) बढ़ा दिया है । आप सभी को बता दें कि राज्य सरकार की ओर से MINIMUM WAGES IN HIMACHAL 2022 का नोटिफिकेशन भी जारी कर दिया गया है ।
Latest Minimum Wages In himachal for Shops & Establishment in Himachal Pradesh
अगर आप किसी भी राज्य या केंद्र सरकार यानी सेंट्रल गवर्नमेंट के अंदर आने वाले किसी विभाग या उपक्रम में काम करते हैं । तो आपके लिए राज्य और केंद्र सरकार समय-समय पर मिनिमम वेज (MINIMUM WAGES) यानी महंगाई भत्ते का नोटिफिकेशन जारी करती है । राज्य और केंद्र सरकारों के द्वारा मिनिमम वेज (MINIMUM WAGES) यानी कि महंगाई भत्ते को 5 साल में एक बार रिवाइज करना होता है ।
इसके साथ ही वर्ष में दो बार हर राज्य और केंद्र सरकार को बाजार के हिसाब से बढ़ रही महंगाई के हिसाब से महंगाई भत्ता यानी DA का नोटिफिकेशन जारी करना होता है।
आप अपने राज्य के हिसाब से EMPLOYEE CORNER पर अपना मिनिमम वेज का लेटेस्ट नोटिफिकेशन चेक कर सकते हैं
हिमाचल न्यूनतम मजदूरी अधिसूचना ( 1 Apr 2022)
राजस्थान सरकार ने कर्मचारियों के न्यूनतम वेतन अधिनियम के तहत मंहगाई भत्ता का नोटिफिकेशन जारी किया है । जिसके बाद राज्य में काम करने वाले कामगारों की मजदूरी ( HIMACHAL MINIMUM WAGES IN 2022 ) मजदूरी में बढ़ोतरी की जाएगी । जिसका लाभ किन – किन कर्मचारियों को , कितना व् कब से होगा । इसको जानने के लिए और नोटिफिकेशन का PDF कॉपी डाउनलोड करने के लिए पूरा आर्टिकल पढ़ें ।
Important Note: The Government of Punjab has released the minimum wages notification on 30th November 2021. Employers may note and make provision for arrears as per the effective date
Class of Employment | Benefits food tea provided | Sub-category | Total Per Day | Total Per Month |
Unskilled | Without benefits | Helper | 350.00 | 10500.00 |
Unskilled | With benefits | Helper | 324.47 | 9734.00 |
Unskilled | Without benefits | Shop Assistant | 350.00 | 10500.00 |
Unskilled | With benefits | Shop Assistant | 324.47 | 9734.00 |
Unskilled | Without benefits | Pelledar | 350.00 | 10500.00 |
Unskilled | With benefits | Pelledar | 324.47 | 9734.00 |
Unskilled | Without benefits | Chowkidar | 350.00 | 10500.00 |
Unskilled | With benefits | Chowkidar | 324.47 | 9734.00 |
Unskilled | Without benefits | Peon | 350.00 | 10500.00 |
Unskilled | With benefits | Peon | 324.47 | 9734.00 |
Unskilled | Without benefits | Sweeper | 350.00 | 10500.00 |
Unskilled | With benefits | Sweeper | 324.47 | 9734.00 |
Unskilled | Without benefits | Masalchi | 350.00 | 10500.00 |
Unskilled | With benefits | Masalchi | 324.47 | 9734.00 |
Unskilled | Without benefits | Gateman | 350.00 | 10500.00 |
Unskilled | With benefits | Gateman | 324.47 | 9734.00 |
Unskilled | Without benefits | Waterman | 350.00 | 10500.00 |
Unskilled | With benefits | Waterman | 324.47 | 9734.00 |
Unskilled | Without benefits | Cleaner | 350.00 | 10500.00 |
Unskilled | With benefits | Cleaner | 324.47 | 9734.00 |
Unskilled | Without benefits | Packer | 350.00 | 10500.00 |
Unskilled | With benefits | Packer | 324.47 | 9734.00 |
Unskilled | Without benefits | Mazdoor | 350.00 | 10500.00 |
Unskilled | With benefits | Mazdoor | 324.47 | 9734.00 |
Unskilled | Without benefits | Lander | 350.00 | 10500.00 |
Unskilled | With benefits | Lander | 324.47 | 9734.00 |
Unskilled | Without benefits | Unlander | 350.00 | 10500.00 |
Unskilled | With benefits | Unlander | 324.47 | 9734.00 |
Unskilled | Without benefits | Messenger | 350.00 | 10500.00 |
Unskilled | With benefits | Messenger | 324.47 | 9734.00 |
Unskilled | Without benefits | Clock Room Attendent | 350.00 | 10500.00 |
Unskilled | With benefits | Clock Room Attendent | 324.47 | 9734.00 |
Unskilled | Without benefits | Porter | 350.00 | 10500.00 |
Unskilled | With benefits | Porter | 324.47 | 9734.00 |
Unskilled | Without benefits | Bhishit | 350.00 | 10500.00 |
Unskilled | With benefits | Bhishit | 324.47 | 9734.00 |
Unskilled | Without benefits | Beldar | 350.00 | 10500.00 |
Unskilled | With benefits | Beldar | 324.47 | 9734.00 |
Unskilled | Without benefits | Fireman | 350.00 | 10500.00 |
Unskilled | With benefits | Fireman | 324.47 | 9734.00 |
Unskilled | Without benefits | Pandi | 350.00 | 10500.00 |
Unskilled | With benefits | Pandi | 324.47 | 9734.00 |
Unskilled | Without benefits | Posterman | 350.00 | 10500.00 |
Unskilled | With benefits | Posterman | 324.47 | 9734.00 |
Unskilled | Without benefits | Any other worker doing unskilled job | 350.00 | 10500.00 |
Unskilled | With benefits | Any other worker doing unskilled job | 324.47 | 9734.00 |
Semi-skilled | Without benefits | Head porter | 369.93 | 11098.00 |
Semi-skilled | With benefits | Head porter | 339.12 | 10174.00 |
Semi-skilled | Without benefits | Pantryman | 369.93 | 11098.00 |
Semi-skilled | With benefits | Pantryman | 339.12 | 10174.00 |
Semi-skilled | Without benefits | Coffee-Teamaker | 369.93 | 11098.00 |
Semi-skilled | With benefits | Coffee-Teamaker | 339.12 | 10174.00 |
Semi-skilled | Without benefits | Chapatiman | 369.93 | 11098.00 |
Semi-skilled | With benefits | Chapatiman | 339.12 | 10174.00 |
Semi-skilled | Without benefits | Assistant Baker | 369.93 | 11098.00 |
Semi-skilled | With benefits | Assistant Baker | 339.12 | 10174.00 |
Semi-skilled | Without benefits | Gate Keeper (Cinema) | 369.93 | 11098.00 |
Semi-skilled | With benefits | Gate Keeper (Cinema) | 339.12 | 10174.00 |
Semi-skilled | Without benefits | Asstt. Lineman | 369.93 | 11098.00 |
Semi-skilled | With benefits | Asstt. Lineman | 339.12 | 10174.00 |
Semi-skilled | Without benefits | Assistant Operator | 369.93 | 11098.00 |
Semi-skilled | With benefits | Assistant Operator | 339.12 | 10174.00 |
Semi-skilled | Without benefits | Binder Assistant | 369.93 | 11098.00 |
Semi-skilled | With benefits | Binder Assistant | 339.12 | 10174.00 |
Semi-skilled | Without benefits | Bill Collector | 369.93 | 11098.00 |
Semi-skilled | With benefits | Bill Collector | 339.12 | 10174.00 |
Semi-skilled | Without benefits | Convesser | 369.93 | 11098.00 |
Semi-skilled | With benefits | Convesser | 339.12 | 10174.00 |
Semi-skilled | Without benefits | Cook | 369.93 | 11098.00 |
Semi-skilled | With benefits | Cook | 339.12 | 10174.00 |
Semi-skilled | Without benefits | Assistant Halwai | 369.93 | 11098.00 |
Semi-skilled | With benefits | Assistant Halwai | 339.12 | 10174.00 |
Semi-skilled | Without benefits | Book Binder | 369.93 | 11098.00 |
Semi-skilled | With benefits | Book Binder | 339.12 | 10174.00 |
Semi-skilled | Without benefits | Stitcher | 369.93 | 11098.00 |
Semi-skilled | With benefits | Stitcher | 339.12 | 10174.00 |
Semi-skilled | Without benefits | Rulling-cutting | 369.93 | 11098.00 |
Semi-skilled | With benefits | Rulling-cutting | 339.12 | 10174.00 |
Semi-skilled | Without benefits | Auctioners | 369.93 | 11098.00 |
Semi-skilled | With benefits | Auctioners | 339.12 | 10174.00 |
Semi-skilled | Without benefits | Mali | 369.93 | 11098.00 |
Semi-skilled | With benefits | Mali | 339.12 | 10174.00 |
Semi-skilled | Without benefits | Sewerman | 369.93 | 11098.00 |
Semi-skilled | With benefits | Sewerman | 339.12 | 10174.00 |
Semi-skilled | Without benefits | Hotel Guide | 369.93 | 11098.00 |
Semi-skilled | With benefits | Hotel Guide | 339.12 | 10174.00 |
Semi-skilled | Without benefits | Assistant Mistry | 369.93 | 11098.00 |
Semi-skilled | With benefits | Assistant Mistry | 339.12 | 10174.00 |
Semi-skilled | Without benefits | Assistant Fitter | 369.93 | 11098.00 |
Semi-skilled | With benefits | Assistant Fitter | 339.12 | 10174.00 |
Semi-skilled | Without benefits | Assistant Turner | 369.93 | 11098.00 |
Semi-skilled | With benefits | Assistant Turner | 339.12 | 10174.00 |
Semi-skilled | Without benefits | Assistant Welder | 369.93 | 11098.00 |
Semi-skilled | With benefits | Assistant Welder | 339.12 | 10174.00 |
Semi-skilled | Without benefits | Assistant Electrician | 369.93 | 11098.00 |
Semi-skilled | With benefits | Assistant Electrician | 339.12 | 10174.00 |
Semi-skilled | Without benefits | Assistant Salesman | 369.93 | 11098.00 |
Semi-skilled | With benefits | Assistant Salesman | 339.12 | 10174.00 |
Semi-skilled | Without benefits | Assistant Barbar | 369.93 | 11098.00 |
Semi-skilled | With benefits | Assistant Barbar | 339.12 | 10174.00 |
Semi-skilled | Without benefits | Dhobi | 369.93 | 11098.00 |
Semi-skilled | With benefits | Dhobi | 339.12 | 10174.00 |
Semi-skilled | Without benefits | Pressman | 369.93 | 11098.00 |
Semi-skilled | With benefits | Pressman | 339.12 | 10174.00 |
Semi-skilled | Without benefits | Boilerman | 369.93 | 11098.00 |
Semi-skilled | With benefits | Boilerman | 339.12 | 10174.00 |
Semi-skilled | Without benefits | Film Rewinder | 369.93 | 11098.00 |
Semi-skilled | With benefits | Film Rewinder | 339.12 | 10174.00 |
Semi-skilled | Without benefits | Waiter/ Bearer | 369.93 | 11098.00 |
Semi-skilled | With benefits | Waiter/ Bearer | 339.12 | 10174.00 |
Semi-skilled | Without benefits | Assistant Radio Mechanic | 369.93 | 11098.00 |
Semi-skilled | With benefits | Assistant Radio Mechanic | 339.12 | 10174.00 |
Semi-skilled | Without benefits | Painter | 369.93 | 11098.00 |
Semi-skilled | With benefits | Painter | 339.12 | 10174.00 |
Semi-skilled | Without benefits | White Washer | 369.93 | 11098.00 |
Semi-skilled | With benefits | White Washer | 339.12 | 10174.00 |
Semi-skilled | Without benefits | Pakora And Chanamaker | 369.93 | 11098.00 |
Semi-skilled | With benefits | Pakora And Chanamaker | 339.12 | 10174.00 |
Semi-skilled | Without benefits | Clerk (Non – Matric) | 369.93 | 11098.00 |
Semi-skilled | With benefits | Clerk (Non – Matric) | 339.12 | 10174.00 |
Semi-skilled | Without benefits | Assistant Store Keeper | 369.93 | 11098.00 |
Semi-skilled | With benefits | Assistant Store Keeper | 339.12 | 10174.00 |
Semi-skilled | Without benefits | Distributor And Assistant Machine Man | 369.93 | 11098.00 |
Semi-skilled | With benefits | Distributor And Assistant Machine Man | 339.12 | 10174.00 |
Semi-skilled | Without benefits | Enquiry Attendent | 369.93 | 11098.00 |
Semi-skilled | With benefits | Enquiry Attendent | 339.12 | 10174.00 |
Semi-skilled | Without benefits | Telephone Attendent | 369.93 | 11098.00 |
Semi-skilled | With benefits | Telephone Attendent | 339.12 | 10174.00 |
Semi-skilled | Without benefits | ITI Certificate Holder | 369.93 | 11098.00 |
Semi-skilled | With benefits | ITI Certificate Holder | 339.12 | 10174.00 |
Skilled | Without benefits | Blacksmith | 406.36 | 12191.00 |
Skilled | With benefits | Blacksmith | 373.51 | 11205.00 |
Skilled | Without benefits | Tinsmith | 406.36 | 12191.00 |
Skilled | With benefits | Tinsmith | 373.51 | 11205.00 |
Skilled | Without benefits | Watchmaker | 406.36 | 12191.00 |
Skilled | With benefits | Watchmaker | 373.51 | 11205.00 |
Skilled | Without benefits | Radio Mechanic | 406.36 | 12191.00 |
Skilled | With benefits | Radio Mechanic | 373.51 | 11205.00 |
Skilled | Without benefits | Carpenter | 406.36 | 12191.00 |
Skilled | With benefits | Carpenter | 373.51 | 11205.00 |
Skilled | Without benefits | Plumber | 406.36 | 12191.00 |
Skilled | With benefits | Plumber | 373.51 | 11205.00 |
Skilled | Without benefits | Driver | 406.36 | 12191.00 |
Skilled | With benefits | Driver | 373.51 | 11205.00 |
Skilled | Without benefits | Assistant Tailor | 406.36 | 12191.00 |
Skilled | With benefits | Assistant Tailor | 373.51 | 11205.00 |
Skilled | Without benefits | Cutter (Tailoring) | 406.36 | 12191.00 |
Skilled | With benefits | Cutter (Tailoring) | 373.51 | 11205.00 |
Skilled | Without benefits | General Mechanic | 406.36 | 12191.00 |
Skilled | With benefits | General Mechanic | 373.51 | 11205.00 |
Skilled | Without benefits | Halwai | 406.36 | 12191.00 |
Skilled | With benefits | Halwai | 373.51 | 11205.00 |
Skilled | Without benefits | Cook | 406.36 | 12191.00 |
Skilled | With benefits | Cook | 373.51 | 11205.00 |
Skilled | Without benefits | Confectioner | 406.36 | 12191.00 |
Skilled | With benefits | Confectioner | 373.51 | 11205.00 |
Skilled | Without benefits | Baker | 406.36 | 12191.00 |
Skilled | With benefits | Baker | 373.51 | 11205.00 |
Skilled | Without benefits | Steward | 406.36 | 12191.00 |
Skilled | With benefits | Steward | 373.51 | 11205.00 |
Skilled | Without benefits | Butler | 406.36 | 12191.00 |
Skilled | With benefits | Butler | 373.51 | 11205.00 |
Skilled | Without benefits | Fitter | 406.36 | 12191.00 |
Skilled | With benefits | Fitter | 373.51 | 11205.00 |
Skilled | Without benefits | Draughtsman | 406.36 | 12191.00 |
Skilled | With benefits | Draughtsman | 373.51 | 11205.00 |
Skilled | Without benefits | Telephone Operator | 406.36 | 12191.00 |
Skilled | With benefits | Telephone Operator | 373.51 | 11205.00 |
Skilled | Without benefits | Compounder | 406.36 | 12191.00 |
Skilled | With benefits | Compounder | 373.51 | 11205.00 |
Skilled | Without benefits | Goldsmith | 406.36 | 12191.00 |
Skilled | With benefits | Goldsmith | 373.51 | 11205.00 |
Skilled | Without benefits | Shoe Maker | 406.36 | 12191.00 |
Skilled | With benefits | Shoe Maker | 373.51 | 11205.00 |
Skilled | Without benefits | Shawl-Carpet Weaving | 406.36 | 12191.00 |
Skilled | With benefits | Shawl-Carpet Weaving | 373.51 | 11205.00 |
Skilled | Without benefits | Compositor | 406.36 | 12191.00 |
Skilled | With benefits | Compositor | 373.51 | 11205.00 |
Skilled | Without benefits | Cinema Operator | 406.36 | 12191.00 |
Skilled | With benefits | Cinema Operator | 373.51 | 11205.00 |
Skilled | Without benefits | Salesmen | 406.36 | 12191.00 |
Skilled | With benefits | Salesmen | 373.51 | 11205.00 |
Skilled | Without benefits | Drycleaner | 406.36 | 12191.00 |
Skilled | With benefits | Drycleaner | 373.51 | 11205.00 |
Skilled | Without benefits | Dyer | 406.36 | 12191.00 |
Skilled | With benefits | Dyer | 373.51 | 11205.00 |
Skilled | Without benefits | Barber | 406.36 | 12191.00 |
Skilled | With benefits | Barber | 373.51 | 11205.00 |
Skilled | Without benefits | Reguler Machine Man | 406.36 | 12191.00 |
Skilled | With benefits | Reguler Machine Man | 373.51 | 11205.00 |
Skilled | Without benefits | Machinist | 406.36 | 12191.00 |
Skilled | With benefits | Machinist | 373.51 | 11205.00 |
Skilled | Without benefits | Welder | 406.36 | 12191.00 |
Skilled | With benefits | Welder | 373.51 | 11205.00 |
Skilled | Without benefits | Moulder | 406.36 | 12191.00 |
Skilled | With benefits | Moulder | 373.51 | 11205.00 |
Skilled | Without benefits | Cashier | 406.36 | 12191.00 |
Skilled | With benefits | Cashier | 373.51 | 11205.00 |
Skilled | Without benefits | Clerk (Matric) | 406.36 | 12191.00 |
Skilled | With benefits | Clerk (Matric) | 373.51 | 11205.00 |
Skilled | Without benefits | Munim | 406.36 | 12191.00 |
Skilled | With benefits | Munim | 373.51 | 11205.00 |
Skilled | Without benefits | Receptionist | 406.36 | 12191.00 |
Skilled | With benefits | Receptionist | 373.51 | 11205.00 |
Skilled | Without benefits | Waiter/ Bearer | 406.36 | 12191.00 |
Skilled | With benefits | Waiter/ Bearer | 373.51 | 11205.00 |
Skilled | Without benefits | Storekeeper | 406.36 | 12191.00 |
Skilled | With benefits | Storekeeper | 373.51 | 11205.00 |
Skilled | Without benefits | Head waiter | 406.36 | 12191.00 |
Skilled | With benefits | Head waiter | 373.51 | 11205.00 |
Skilled | Without benefits | Head Bearer (Western style hotels) | 406.36 | 12191.00 |
Skilled | With benefits | Head Bearer (Western style hotels) | 373.51 | 11205.00 |
Skilled | Without benefits | Lineman | 406.36 | 12191.00 |
Skilled | With benefits | Lineman | 373.51 | 11205.00 |
Skilled | Without benefits | ITI Certificate Holder who are working in the same | 406.36 | 12191.00 |
Skilled | With benefits | ITI Certificate Holder who are working in the same | 373.51 | 11205.00 |
Highly Skilled | Without benefits | Storekeeper | 422.85 | 12686.00 |
Highly Skilled | With benefits | Storekeeper | 391.38 | 11741.00 |
Highly Skilled | Without benefits | Clerks (Graduates) | 422.85 | 12686.00 |
Highly Skilled | With benefits | Clerks (Graduates) | 391.38 | 11741.00 |
Highly Skilled | Without benefits | Accountant | 422.85 | 12686.00 |
Highly Skilled | With benefits | Accountant | 391.38 | 11741.00 |
Highly Skilled | Without benefits | Head Cashier | 422.85 | 12686.00 |
Highly Skilled | With benefits | Head Cashier | 391.38 | 11741.00 |
Highly Skilled | Without benefits | Head Cook | 422.85 | 12686.00 |
Highly Skilled | With benefits | Head Cook | 391.38 | 11741.00 |
Highly Skilled | Without benefits | Head Butler | 422.85 | 12686.00 |
Highly Skilled | With benefits | Head Butler | 391.38 | 11741.00 |
Highly Skilled | Without benefits | Head Baker | 422.85 | 12686.00 |
Highly Skilled | With benefits | Head Baker | 391.38 | 11741.00 |
Highly Skilled | Without benefits | Head Confectioner | 422.85 | 12686.00 |
Highly Skilled | With benefits | Head Confectioner | 391.38 | 11741.00 |
Highly Skilled | Without benefits | Head Mechanic | 422.85 | 12686.00 |
Highly Skilled | With benefits | Head Mechanic | 391.38 | 11741.00 |
Highly Skilled | Without benefits | Electrician | 422.85 | 12686.00 |
Highly Skilled | With benefits | Electrician | 391.38 | 11741.00 |
Highly Skilled | Without benefits | Foremen | 422.85 | 12686.00 |
Highly Skilled | With benefits | Foremen | 391.38 | 11741.00 |
Highly Skilled | Without benefits | Monthly Supervisor | 422.85 | 12686.00 |
Highly Skilled | With benefits | Monthly Supervisor | 391.38 | 11741.00 |
Highly Skilled | Without benefits | Tailor | 422.85 | 12686.00 |
Highly Skilled | With benefits | Tailor | 391.38 | 11741.00 |
Highly Skilled | Without benefits | Cutter (Tailoring) | 422.85 | 12686.00 |
Highly Skilled | With benefits | Cutter (Tailoring) | 391.38 | 11741.00 |
Minimum Wages In Himachal Pradesh Old Notification Pdf Format Download